MB022Z/A Leopard 10.5.6 install DVD (5-user family pack) MB021Z/A Leopard 10.5.6 install DVD (single user) If you can't obtain a retail install DVD from Apple, look on eBay or Google the installer part numbers to possibly find at an on-line store. Leopard is no longer available at the Apple Store but may be available by calling Apple Phone Sales 1-800-MY-APPLE (1-80).
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard installation system requirements List of Applications Not Compatible with Leopard. There are workarounds if the 867MHz CPU is the only hangup. Trouble is Apple no longer sells it, check eBay & such for the Retail version, not the Gray Discs. * 9GB of available disk space (I say 30GB at least) * 512MB of memory (I say 1.5GB for PPC at least, 2-3GB minimum for IntelMacs) * Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 (867MHz or faster) processor Or Ali Brown's great info on where/how to find/get Tiger. See Tom's, (Texas Mac Man), great info on where/how to find/get Tiger. * At least 3 GB of free disk space 4 GB if you install the XCode 2 Developer Tools (I recommend 20GB minimum) * DVD drive (DVD-ROM), Combo (CD-RW/DVD-ROM) or SuperDrive (DVD-R) for installation * At least 256 MB of RAM (I recommend 1GB minimum) To use Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, your Macintosh needs: